Serving 150,000+ customers for forty years.
Shiffler Lighting Solutions is our exclusive Lighting Retrofit Division of Shiffler Equipment Sales, Inc. We offer the most comprehensive line of energy efficient lighting solutions, including the latest LED lighting technologies.
Our division was created to help facility directors to assess their use of less eco-friendly lighting and provide options to help convert to more efficient and environmentally friendly forms of indoor and outdoor lighting. LED technology can significantly reduce annual operating costs and improve the overall bottom line.Our parent company Shiffler Equipment Sales, Inc. has been partnering with all the top manufacturers in the facility maintenance field for well over forty years. Selecting and adding credible lighting manufacturers comes natural to our team.
At Shiffler Lighting Solutions we offer the most innovative, energy efficient lighting products available in the market. Without ties to any one vendor we have relationships with many of the top manufacturers in the lighting industry. We offer our clients very competitive prices for high quality LED lighting products.